The Gift of Sabbath
Sabbath, “a grace-drenched rhythm” as Eugene Peterson called it, invites us into savoring relationship with God and each other.
A Faith-Filled Song
“Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge.” Psalm 119:54
What I know, and what I thought I knew . . .
Learning to be more sober in what I declare about myself and what I’ve learned, and be even more confident and bold in what I declare about Him.
“Speak, for your servant is listening . . .”
Several people have asked me to share the way God has communicated to us over the last few months. This transition for us leaves so many scratching their heads. I think you will see we did plenty of that as well. This is far too many words, but it has been healing and helpful to me to write them. I am humbled and honored to share how God has spoken to us, consistently and lovingly, over the past several months. He is so patient and kind.
God doesn’t give stones & He doesn’t give snakes . . .
Though we have moved churches multiple times in our married life, this transition is by far the hardest. I am clinging to my faith and trust in the Father, whose ways and thoughts are higher than mine. Just sharing a few thoughts on what God is doing in us right now.
No Regrets . . .
“The days are long but the years are short.” Getting all nostalgic with my first born being a senior, and thinking of the things I want my girls, and all their people, to know.
The Baptized Bible
Oh, the places we have been. And the things we have journeyed through. No better companion than a tired, weathered Bible, and the God that it reveals.
Hair Ties and Hospital Rooms
I did a summer writing project with Flourish Writers, and here is my assignment. It’s amazing how writing about an event forces you to connect with the details of it—remembering the feelings and details of the experience. God has been so good to my family in our journey with my Dad since his stroke. I hope this story helps you to see His provision for you and your family as well.
“What I tell you in the dark . . .”
“What I tell you in the dark, declare from the rooftops . . . “
My Life is Dope
An ER visit during the dead of night, a Kanye West quote, and a rainstorm.